Horse & Barn Packages

"A great horse will change your life. The truly special ones, define it."

Equine Sessions Include:

  • Pre-session planning to discuss ideas, locations, and outfits
  • No limit on outfits or locations
  • High resolution, professionally edited photos
  • Online gallery with no expiration date
  • A release to print and share your photos

No travel fees for sessions within a 40 mile radius of our home in Stanford, MN (message me for a quote). Sessions beyond that will include a travel fee of $0.60 per mile (round trip).


(20 minutes)



(60 minutes)



(90 minutes)


Book Now!

To book your equine session, please contact me with one of the methods listed here:

Text or Call: 651-303-0610


Or by messaging me on Facebook or Instagram.


How do I prepare my HORSE for my photoshoot?

If you show your horse, prepare him or her as if you are headed to a show.
If not, here are a few suggestions:
- Do any clipper work at least three days before your shoot to allow harsh lines to grow out.
- Bathe your horse the day before and blanket them if they are like my horse and want to get dirty right away.
- White markings can be touched up the day of the shoot. Baby powder works well!
- Shine enhancers and fly spray can be used, but make sure they are brushed in well and your horse is completely dry by the start of the session, as any streaks will be apparent in the final images.
- Hoof oil and polish have give a finished look to your image. However, it's better to leave the hoof dry than to quickly apply a sticky hoof conditioner just prior to the session (the moist conditioners attract dirt and debris).

How do I prepare MYSELF for my photoshoot?

Here are some tips:
- Invite a friend to help during the session!
- Pick your outfit days/weeks before. Use a steamer to get the wrinkles out of shirts. Show clothes look great in photos (especially black backgrounds).
- Be sure your boots are mud, sawdust, and poo free.
- Keep your hair and make-up natural.

How do I prepare my TACK for my photoshoot?

What your horse wears is completely up to you! The only requirements are that it is clean, oiled, and fits well.
- If using a halter, leather looks more timeless/classic than nylon or rope.
- Start the session with the least amount of tack (for instance, halter, then bridled and saddled).
- If your horse will be bridled, be sure to clean the bit.
- If saddled, be sure the saddle pad compliments your outfit.
- What about boots/wraps? If you have a performance horse, these can complete the look. However, I do not recommend them for conformation or advertising photos.